Crash Alert: SCDPS shares statistics to help people stay alive

June 23, 2020 – Paul Hammack

SCDPS Shares Statistics to Help People Stay Alive | 864 326 - 3333

GREENVILLE, SC – The South Carolina Department of Public Safety used their Twitter page on Monday to remind followers of what they call “Target Zero.”

The idea is to reduce highway-related deaths to zero by reminding drivers to use their seatbelts, not drive drunk, and stay alert.

In their post, they included the statistic that 412 people have died in road-related incidents so far this year. That includes 66 pedestrian deaths, 42 motorcycles deaths, and four bicyclists deaths.

SCDPS also noted that the majority of people who died—289—had access to seatbelts. 156 people weren’t wearing them.

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