What If I’m A Construction Worker That Was Injured On The Job?

April 24, 2024 – Paul Hammack

What If I’m A Construction Worker That Was Injured On The Job? | Greenville, SC | 864-326-3333

South Carolina laws state all businesses with at least four employees must carry workers’ compensation insurance. The variety of benefits provides payment for medical treatment, lost wages, and any necessary future expenses.

Construction workers get exposed to hazardous working conditions every day. They operate heavy machinery, handle sharp objects, and work on unsteady ground. Any number of problems could easily cause injury or even death. Despite laws requiring proper training and the use of safety gear, accidents still happen.

When you’re working on a construction site, you put yourself at risk every time you clock in for your shift. If you sustain an injury from tripping on materials, falling from great heights, or getting exposed to dangerous chemicals, you might qualify for benefits through your employer’s workers’ compensation policy.

Construction workers injured on the job site are allowed to apply for workers’ compensation benefits. The benefits you’re approved to receive could cover your medical bills, wages you’re unable to earn, and disability.

Under South Carolina law, you must notify your employer or your injury if you want to receive benefits. The most common workers’ comp benefits available for construction workers include the following:

  • Temporary Partial Disability: This benefit covers injured workers who can work but are limited to specific tasks or fewer hours, causing a reduction in pay. This coverage pays two-thirds of the difference between your wages before and after the accident.
  • Temporary Total Disability: This benefit pays individuals unable to work more than seven consecutive days. You don’t receive any payments until you miss more than fourteen days of work. At that time, you’re eligible to receive two-thirds of your average weekly wage.
  • Permanent Partial Disability: If your doctor diagnoses you with a permanent partial disability, you could receive benefits. That covers injuries to specific body parts, organ injuries, and disfigurement to the face, head, neck, or any body part you must expose to fulfill the duties of your job.
  • Permanent Total Disability: If your doctor diagnoses you with a permanent total disability after completing treatment, you could receive the same amount of benefits you received for your temporary total disability. You’re eligible for payments up to a maximum of 500 weeks.
  • Additional Benefits: Any treatment deemed medically necessary, reimbursement for driving to and from doctors’ appointments, and vocational rehab.

If you want to qualify for benefits from your employer’s policy, you must seek treatment from the doctors they approve. If you see a doctor you choose without permission by your employer, you could end up paying out of pocket expenses.

If you’re a construction worker suffering from a job-related injury, call Hammack Law Firm today. We have experience in providing excellent legal representation to our clients. Our small firm allows us to give individualized attention to everyone who hires us. We believe in the importance of customer service. That’s why our team of legal professionals is available 24/7 to speak with you about your case.

We offer free consultations, so there’s no risk or obligation to receive much needed legal advice. Call us at (864) 479-8949, and we’ll connect you to one of our dedicated lawyers.

Our Client Bill of Rights offers a 30-day unconditional satisfaction guarantee —no costs and no fees. We serve our Greenville clients in all areas of personal injury, including auto and motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, and boating accidents.

To get started with our Greenville personal injury law firm, please simply contact construction accident lawyer in Seneca or call (864) 326-3333(864) 326-3333 for a free consultation.

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