4 Million Dollars

August 22, 2024 – Paul Hammack

Four million dollars — that’s the amount of the additional insurance Hammack Law Firm uncovered after we took over a case from another attorney.

We had a client come to us very frustrated with his prior lawyer after more than a year with no results. Our client was involved in a horrific crash on his moped when a company pickup truck turned left in front of him. He’d been in physical rehab for six months, had five surgeries, multiple broken bones, and no income. He needed our help now. We got involved and immediately went to work.

In two months, we recovered the first layer of liability coverage of $1 million. While resolving that settlement, we uncovered an excess policy worth $4 million. If we had not asked for an affidavit of no additional coverage, he would have never known about that excess policy. As a result of our diligence, we more than tripled our client’s total recovery. It pays to turn over every rock.

At Hammack Law Firm, that is what we do: maximize our clients’ recoveries against the big insurance machine. I’m Paul Hammack, and I’m passionate about helping the injured. At Hammack Law Firm, we put the personal back in personal injury.

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(864) 326-3333

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