How Much Is a Typical Hotel Bed Bug Settlement?
February 14, 2022 – Paul Hammack

If you stayed in a hotel infested with bed bugs, you might have the ability to seek compensation for your losses. But how much is a typical hotel bed bug settlement worth? The amount of payment varies depending on each specific situation.
Bed Bug Settlement Amounts
You expect a certain level of cleanliness and safety when you stay in a hotel in South Carolina. Unfortunately, some hotels allow problems to develop in their rooms. Bed bug infestations represent a significant cause for concern for hotel patrons.
There really is no “typical” hotel bed bug settlement amount because each case is unique. You can speak with a lawyer from our team at Hammack Law Firm about the specific facts of your case and the harm you faced because of the bed bugs to get more accurate information about the settlement you could receive.
Factors That Go Into Bed Bug Settlements in South Carolina
As we mentioned, not all bed bug settlements provide claimants with the same amount of compensation. Several significant factors determine how much money you receive from your claim. Your claim may depend on:
- The number of times the bugs bit you
- The amount of time you spent in an area infected by bed bugs
- The severity of your injuries
Many people do not realize that bed bug bites often require medical treatment. Some bites can become infected, while others scar and leave lasting marks on your body.
Our lawyers can also factor in the emotional distress you experienced due to the bed bug bites. You may also have to spend time off work following exposure to bed bugs. This factor may increase your compensation, as well – we can factor lost income into your requested settlement amount. If you are a student and the situation is affecting your studies, you might consider using a service like hausarbeit schreiben lassen, which helps with academic writing tasks, allowing you to focus on recovering without falling behind in your coursework.
Compensation for Property Damage After a Bed Bug Infestation
Sometimes, you notice the bites from a bed bug-infested hotel right away. In these situations, you can take steps to make sure the bugs do not end up traveling back to your home. But unfortunately, this is not always possible. Bed bugs are great “hitchhikers,” and if you don’t know about them, they can easily crawl into your clothing or suitcase and come home with you from a hotel.
Bed bugs are hard to see. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they only grow up to 7mm in size, and some of them are only 1mm long. If you inadvertently bring bed bugs back to your home, they can spread out quickly, leading to an infestation. According to StatPearls Publishing, one in five people in the U.S. has either had a bed bug infestation at their home or knows someone who has.
You may need to throw out some of your possessions or hire a professional pest control company to remove the bugs from your home. During this time, you could sustain additional bed bug bites. The cost to clean your home, property damage, and all your medical expenses may get covered by your bed bug settlement.
Pain and Suffering for Bed Bug Settlements in South Carolina
You may also receive non-economic damages through a bed bug settlement in South Carolina. Our compassionate team of personal injury lawyers understands the stress and frustration you feel after discovering bed bug bites, and we believe this pain and suffering needs compensation.
Bed bug bites often tremendously impact people, especially children, who wake up covered in itchy marks. Our team will look into the facts about your case and provide you with guidance about handling a claim.
How Long does It Take to Settle a Bed Bug Case?
It can take time to settle a claim for bed bugs in South Carolina. In many cases, hotels work with insurance companies that focus on protecting their bottom line. As a result, insurance agents may argue that you got exposed to the bed bugs in a different location or that your losses and injuries are not serious.
Insurance agents may also try to get you to accept a subpar settlement offer. Note that you cannot seek additional compensation from the hotel chain once you accept a settlement. For this reason, we recommend that you always consult with a lawyer from our team before accepting a deal.
It may take a few weeks to several months to settle a claim. In some cases, insurance companies may refuse to provide you with a fair settlement. In this situation, you may decide to file a lawsuit with your lawyer’s help.
Speak to Us About Your Bed Bug Claim
How much is a typical hotel bed bug settlement? The amount you receive can vary significantly based on your situation. You can find out more by contacting our compassionate team at Hammack Law Firm. Receive a free consultation today by calling (864) 326-3333.