How Can I Prevent a Fall on a Construction Site?

April 24, 2024 – Paul Hammack

How Can I Prevent a Fall on a Construction Site? How Long Does a Car Accident Claim Take to Settle? | Greenville SC | 864 326 3333

BackMay 15, 2018 Workers Compensation

According to OSHA, nearly 6.5 million people work in the field of construction, which is recognized as one of the most dangerous career fields an individual can work in. The fact is, a construction worker has to work in areas where they are more susceptible to engaging in an accident and many times, they are at a greater risk of getting hurt than most others who are working in different fields. Although sometimes my hand cramps when I am writing these blogs, so I am pretty hard core too…

Some of the Potential hazards for workers in construction include:

  • Falls (from heights)
  • Trench collapse
  • Scaffold collapse
  • Electric shock and arc flash/arc blast
  • Failure to use proper personal protective equipment
  • Repetitive motion injuries

As you can see construction can be a very dangerous job, so please take time to thank the men and women who help build our society. If you are a construction worker injured on the job, you may file for workers’ compensation benefits. This safety net can help diminish the economic damage of your injury and help you recover.

Because falls are one of the most common types of accidents that construction workers engage in, below we share a few tips OSHA recommends you implement that will help prevent these types of incidents. However, if you happen to be a construction worker who has recently sustained an injury while on the job, it might be in your best interest to discuss your accident with worker’s compensation attorney Paul Hammack. It is important that you become aware of all the benefits you are entitled to collect and that your employer provides you with these in a timely manner. This is something Hammack Law Firm can help you understand along with many other important things that come along with a work accident claim.

How to protect yourself from a fall?

According to OSHA, “falls consistently account for the greatest number of fatalities in the construction industry” each year. There are a number of reasons why falls occur which include “unstable working surfaces, misuse or failure to use fall protection equipment, and human error.” Some things OSHA suggests you do help prevent a fall include:

  1. Assume your balance is not as good as it used to be and consider using aerial lifts or elevated platforms to provide safer elevated working surfaces.
  2. Erect guardrail systems with toe boards and warning lines or install control line systems to protect workers near the edges of floors and roofs.
  3. Cover floor holes. Especially if I am working because I rarely see anything on the ground when I am walking.
  4. Use safety net systems or personal fall arrest systems (body harnesses).

How to prevent a fall from a ladder?

OSHA also highlights that ladders and stairways are another source that contributes to workplace injuries and fatalities among construction workers. It is estimated that “there are 24,882 injuries and as many as 36 fatalities per year due to falls on stairways and ladders used in construction.” So, here’s what you can do to help prevent yourself from falling off of a ladder.

  1. Use the correct ladder for the task.
  2. Have a competent person visually inspect a ladder for defects before using it. This includes looking for:
    • Structural damage, split/bent side rails, broken or missing rungs/steps/cleats and missing or damaged safety devices;
    • Grease, dirt or other contaminants that could cause slips or falls; especially banana peels, we have all seen how much those mess Mario up.
    • Paint or stickers (except warning labels) that could hide possible defects
  1. Be sure that ladders being utilized are long enough to safely reach the work area.
  2. Take a moment to mark or tag damaged or defective ladders for repair or replacement or destroy them immediately, so somebody like me who does not notice these defects falls.
  3. Never load ladders beyond the maximum intended load or beyond the manufacturer’s rated capacity.
  4. Be sure the load rating can support the weight of the user, including materials and tools.
  5. Avoid using ladders with metallic components near electrical work and overhead power lines. A fall is bad enough, but electrocution then a fall is about as unlucky as being a Browns fan.

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To get started with our Greenville personal injury law firm, please simply contact us online or call (864) 326-3333(864) 326-3333 for a free consultation.

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