What If My Immigration Status Is Questionable And I Sustain A Work Related Injury?

April 24, 2024 – Paul Hammack

What If My Immigration Status Is Questionable And I Sustain A Work Related Injury? | Greenville, SC | 864-326-3333

If you’re an undocumented worker, you might worry about getting exposed if you apply for benefits to cover the treatment of your injury. That’s why most illegal immigrants don’t file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. They fear deportation or termination of employment if their immigration status gets called into question. However, individual state laws aim to protect all employees’ rights.

South Carolina statute 42-1-130 requires an employer to provide their employee with workers’ compensation benefits, regardless of their immigration status.

Workers’ compensation is a vital benefit for individuals who experience an injury on the job. When you sustain an injury at work, you may be unable to return immediately or pay for your doctors’ appointments. You could be out of work for weeks or even months, depending on the severity of your injury.

You should obtain a copy of the workers’ compensation policy after the incident to determine the benefits you’re eligible to receive. Hiring a lawyer could also prove beneficial in getting paid the maximum available payment for wages you’re unable to earn while taking time off from work. Common benefits employers provide for their employees include:

  • Reimbursement of medical expenses
  • Future medical expenses required for your recovery
  • Prescription medication
  • Mileage reimbursement for traveling to and from doctors’ appointments
  • Lost wages
  • Cost of rehabilitation
  • Temporary or permanent disability

If you’re unfamiliar with workers’ comp benefits, you should seek legal representation. Employers could take advantage of undocumented workers filing for benefits. You might get intimidated or threatened with deportation and termination of employment. If the person who hired you doesn’t want to pay, your lawyer could protect your rights and seek the benefits you need.

As soon as you hire a lawyer, they will open an investigation and gather the necessary evidence to prove your injury occurred at work. Some of the evidence they’ll collect includes:

  • A copy of the workers’ compensation policy
  • Incident reports
  • Your medical and employment records
  • Description of your daily responsibilities
  • Witness statements

The lawyers from Hammack Law Firm understand the devastating effects of your situation. You’re in pain, unable to work, and stressed about the medical bills you’re receiving. We know how important it is to receive the benefits you’re entitled to, so you’re able to afford your treatment. We’ll relieve your burden by handling all legal aspects of your case so you can focus on your recovery.

We provide free consultations to all of our prospective clients. There’s no risk or obligation to meet with us so we can review the details of your case. We’re happy to answer all your questions and advise you on your best options moving forward. We’re committed to providing excellent customer service, no matter what. With our 24/7 Live Chat feature, you can reach us at a time that’s most convenient for you. You’ll never feel like you’re just a number to us. Our small firm allows us to meet our clients’ individualized needs and exceed all their expectations. Call us at (864) 479-8742, and we’ll schedule your free consultation.

Our Client Bill of Rights offers a 30-day unconditional satisfaction guarantee —no costs and no fees. We serve our Greenville clients in all areas of personal injury, including auto and motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, and boating accidents.

To get started with our Greenville personal injury law firm, please simply contact us online or call (864) 326-3333(864) 326-3333 for a free consultation.

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