What Is the Percentage of Accidents Caused By Semi-Trucks?

April 22, 2024 – Paul Hammack

What Is the Percentage of Accidents Caused By Semi-Trucks? Call 864 326 - 3333

The percentage of accidents caused by semi-trucks is small. According to Pages 19 and 101 of a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report:

  • In 2019, there were a total of 6,756,000 traffic accidents in the United States.
  • Out of the above number, 538,000 accidents involved large trucks, including semi-trucks.
  • When finding the percentage between the two numbers, it becomes clear that almost 8 percent of all traffic accidents in the United States involved large trucks.

This number reflects the fact that semi-trucks are not as common as passenger vehicles on our roadways. However, what it does not reflect is how such accidents can greatly affect victims’ lives.

How Semi-Trucks Can Cause Accidents

In 2020, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) released a series of tables detailing how truck accidents happen and the effects they have. Per Crashes Table 2, the vast majority of truck accidents – whether fatal, injury, or property damage only – occur when the truck hits another vehicle. A minority of accidents were caused by:

  • A collision with a pedestrian
  • The truck overturning
  • A fire or explosion
  • The loss or shifting of cargo

Vehicles Table 27 elaborates on this data. According to this table, the three most common causes of large truck collisions are:

  • Another vehicle moving into the truck’s lane: Many large truck accidents occur when another, smaller vehicle gets in the truck’s way, either accidentally or on purpose (e.g., with a failed lane change attempt).
  • Another vehicle already in the truck’s lane: The car in front of them may have braked abruptly or failed to use its turn signal correctly.
  • The truck driver’s movements: The truck driver themselves either lost control of the vehicle or made an error in judgment that ultimately led to a crash.

Finding the Liable Party in Your Truck Accident Case

Your accident could entitle you to compensation. First, however, our firm will help you find the party or parties responsible for the injuries you have suffered by:

  • Evaluating your case: Every truck accident victim in South Carolina is welcome to call us at any time. We will listen to your story and tell you quickly what your legal options are.
  • Visiting the scene: If appropriate, we will view the accident scene ourselves, take photos, and examine the environment for possible hazards.
  • Collecting evidence: We will gather documentary evidence like police reports, speak with witnesses, and ask experts to weigh in on your case.

How long does it take to find the liable party? That varies on a case-by-case basis. However, you can rest assured that our team will make the process as stress-free as possible by:

  • Answering your questions: We encourage clients to call whenever they have concerns or something new to report.
  • Speaking your language: We assist clients in both English and Spanish.
  • Helping you make decisions: No matter how big or small, if you need help figuring out what to do, we are happy to advise you.

Tasha Miller, one of our former clients, was happy to find that “everyone” on our team “is so helpful & friendly.” This is just as important to us as providing legal counsel: ensuring that our clients feel safe and valued.

We Can Pursue Compensation for Your Injuries

Once we know the identity of every single party who contributed to your injuries, we will contact them on your behalf. There are three ways they may react to your lawsuit.

They May Offer a Fair Settlement

In some cases, the evidence we present is so compelling that the liable party’s insurance company offers a fair settlement for your physical, mental, and financial losses right away. This is the best-case scenario that we strive for.

They May Offer to Negotiate

Even if an insurance company offers you only a small or token settlement at first, it might be willing to come to the negotiating table if we ask the company to do so. If this happens, we will:

  • Schedule a time and place to meet with their representatives
  • Represent you at all negotiations
  • Fight vigorously for the money your family needs
  • Answer any questions you have about the settlement agreement before you sign it

They May Refuse to Negotiate

Sometimes, the liable party stubbornly refuses to offer a victim fair compensation, no matter what. This does not intimidate us. We are more than willing to go to court on your behalf, which includes:

  • Scheduling trial dates
  • Submitting evidence (trial exhibits) to the court
  • Finding and preparing witnesses to testify
  • Finding and preparing experts to testify
  • Arguing before a judge and jury on your behalf
  • Filing appeals if the case does not go your way

Get a Free Consultation Today

Though only a small percentage of accidents are caused by semi-trucks, the size and weight of these vehicles can lead to disproportionately serious injuries and expenses. Hammack Law Firm, a leader in truck accident cases, will help you recover compensation and receive justice after such an accident. Call today at (864) 326-3333(864) 326-3333 for a free, no-obligation case review.

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(864) 326-3333

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