South Carolina Cargo Truck Accident Lawyer
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Your cargo truck accident injury may entitle you to compensation. A lawyer from our office can help you pursue that compensation by negotiating for a fair settlement and explaining how South Carolina law affects your ability to collect damages.
You can put damages toward any number of purposes, including paying for accident-related medical expenses, supporting your family while you are unable to work, and so on.
You Should Seek Legal Help Immediately After a Cargo Truck Accident
Hammack Law Firm would like to assist you in your fight for damages. Our office makes it easier for clients to navigate the legal system by taking responsibility for:
- The investigation: We can visit the accident scene, get statements from witnesses, request documentary evidence (e.g., police reports), and more.
- All paperwork: Anytime you need to send or respond to a form, a letter, or a settlement offer, we will see that it is taken care of.
- Communication between parties: Talking to the insurance company yourself only gives it a chance to twist your words to its advantage. Let us protect you by serving as a middleman.
- Negotiations: We know what each client’s case is worth and do not want to let the insurance company get away with offering too little.
- Trial preparation and presentation: The insurance company is not always willing to offer fair compensation. In such cases, we can schedule trial dates and appear before a judge and jury on your behalf.
We view it as our duty to provide you with compassionate legal service and put you and your needs first. This could mean:
- Helping you make decisions: We can demystify the legal process, explain your options, and help you decide which legal path is best.
- Responding promptly to calls: Just let us know when you have a question, need clarification, or want to report a new development that may affect the case.
- Charging nothing upfront: To make our services accessible to more people, we never charge attorney’s fees unless and until our clients recover damages.
- Updating you regularly: Whenever something important happens, we contact you and explain what it means for your case’s future.
As stated in S.C. Ann §15-3-530, a personal injury case is only valid if begun within three years of the accident. The sooner you start your case, the better chance we have of being able to help you.
Damages Available for Cargo Truck Accident Victims
Cargo truck accidents can cause serious physical, psychological, and financial harm. To get the compensation you need and keep South Carolina safe for all drivers, let a lawyer from our firm pursue compensation for the following types of damages:
- Pain and suffering: The accident and the resulting injuries are both sources of physical and emotional anguish.
- Physical or intellectual disability: The loss of use of any body part or any sort of brain damage could qualify you for compensation.
- Disfigurement: Your injuries have left you with permanent scars that affect your appearance and/or physical abilities.
- Loss of consortium: Your marriage has suffered or even collapsed due to the accident or your injuries.
- Loss of wages: You took a leave of absence from work while the injuries were healing, depriving you of your usual income.
- Loss of employment: Your injuries prevent you from maintaining gainful employment in your chosen field or at all.
- Medical expenses: This includes any injury-related treatments, including medical tests, surgery, medication, physical therapy, home nursing, and even the cost of traveling to facilities that are far away.
- Repair costs: The accident damaged or destroyed your car. While waiting for your car to be fixed or to purchase a new one, you had to pay for public transportation, a rental car, or other services.
In a lawsuit, you must be precise about what types of damages you believe you qualify for and the amount of money you are seeking for your injuries and losses. With certain types of damages, deciding how much to sue for may be as easy as checking:
- Medical bills
- Repair bills
- The number of paychecks you missed
However, estimating possible future expenses (e.g., if you expect to require medical treatments down the line) or non-economic damages (e.g., physical pain and emotional struggles) may be more difficult. Hammack Law Firm can make sure that the damages you ask for are accurate and fair.
An Attorney Can Help You with Your Wrongful Death Claim on Behalf of a Lost Loved One
According to Page 4 of a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report, large truck occupants are among the least likely to be killed in a traffic accident. They comprised just 4 percent of traffic accident fatalities in 2019. Conversely, passenger car occupants were the most likely to be killed, comprising 34 percent of fatalities.
While large truck occupants may be protected by their vehicle’s superior size and weight, passenger car vehicles have no such advantage. If your loved one was killed in such an accident, you may file a wrongful death lawsuit for damages such as:
- End-of-life expenses: You had to pay for your loved one’s funeral or burial or to make sure their estate was settled properly.
- Loss of society or companionship: You and your loved one’s other dependents will miss their affection and advice.
- Loss of financial support: You relied on your loved one for financial security. Without their income, making ends meet is much more stressful.
This is in addition to damages such as medical bills and pain and suffering that your loved one could have recovered themselves had they lived long enough.
If you lost a loved one in a cargo truck accident, the team at Hammack Law Firm is sorry for your loss. Let us assume your legal burden and help you pursue the compensation that your family needs.
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During this difficult time, it may help to know that you are not alone. Hammack Law Firm proudly serves clients throughout South Carolina in all kinds of personal injury and wrongful death cases, including those involving cargo truck accidents.
Call today and see what a lawyer from our firm can do for you. We can assist you in either English or Spanish.
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